Crocodile Ranch
Otjiwarongo, Namibia
On the outskirts of town is the Crocodile Farm. The only park in Namibia on growing Nile
Mount Etjo
Otjiwarongo, Namibia
In the reserve, the reserve Okondzhati in central Namibia, the plain rises to 500 meters mesa Etzho. The plane of the "table" stretches for 10 kilometers. The indigenous peoples of the area consider the mountain sacred and mystical Etzho
Schuckmannsburg, Namibia
Rural settlement until 1937, the former capital of the Caprivi region. When you transfer the administrative center of the region's current capital of Katima Mulilo, the buildings were demolished in Shukmannsburge on the bricks for use in the construction of the new capital. Today is ...
National Museum of Namibia
Windhoek, Namibia
The National Museum of Namibia, located in the center of Windhoek in an old German fort Alte Feste (since 1890). The museum's displays asskazyvayut about nature, history and culture of the
Himba people
Kunene, Namibia
The nomadic Himba tribes people living in northern Namibia, in the Kunene region. Because of the harsh desert climate and isolation from the outside world tribes, the Himba have maintained their traditional way of
Pomona ghost town
Lüderitz, Namibia
In the early twentieth century, these places have been discovered diamonds that can be collected by hand. Pomona diamond mines were considered the richest mines of Namibia from 1912 to 1914. Today Pomona - it's amazing ghost towns in the middle of the
Rehoboth, Namibia
The small resort town Rihobot formed around hot springs and can trace its history back to
Hardap Dam
Mariental, Namibia
The largest dam in the country Hardap River Fish River forms a reservoir area of 25 square kilometers Bole Around the lake is a recreation area fit for winter
Oppenheimer bridge
Oranjemund, Namibia
Bridge over the Orange River between Namibia and South Africa. In contrast to Oranjemund sevrnom shore, is a South African town of Alexander Bay on the south
Oranjemund, Namibia
City southernmost point on the north shore of Namibia mouth of the Orange River, which forms the state border between Namibia and South Africa. Oranjemund was founded in March 1936. Today, it is the property of the diamond corporation NAMDEB, managing closed diamond in Namibia
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